First mechanical sorters.
The company Dalle Vacche of Massa Lombarda (RA) starts manufacturing the first mechanical sorters in wood for fruit processing.
TNT is born.
A company that designs and produces lines for fruit and vegetable processing, specialized in innovative optical vision systems: TNT Srl (Tomorrow New Technology) is the first company in Europe to apply camera systems for selecting fruit size and color.
UNITEC is born.
From the merger of the companies Dalle Vacche and TNT, UNITEC is born. It is from the union of the two realities’ technologies that UNITEC has drawn inspiration for its name. UNITEC gives life to the first electronic and optical sorters.
UNITEC in the world.
The fast-growing company opens two important branches in the world: UNITEC Argentina and UNITEC Ibérica.
UNITEC undertakes the research project on non-destructive technologies for detecting fruit internal quality.
New headquarters.
UNITEC builds the new production facility and headquarters in Lugo (RA) moving its production from Massa Lombarda (RA) and its offices from Ravenna.
QS ONLINE is born.
The technology for the non-destructive (in-line) detection of the internal quality of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Cherry Vison is born.
The first technology in the world for non-destructive detection of cherries internal and external quality, destined to create a real revolution in the sector.
New Branches.
UNITEC opens new branches worldwide in South America, Europe and the United States: UNITEC Chile, UNITEC France and UNITEC USA (California).
The largest cherry installation in the world.
The first technology for the complete selection of blueberries.
UNITEC manufactures and installs in California the largest electronic cherry sorting in the world, formed by 40 lanes and equipped with Cherry Vision technology.
UNITEC is the first company in the world to manufacture an electronic technology for selecting blueberries according to multiple quality parameters: Blueberry Vision is born, the first system able to view 100% of each blueberry.
New Branches.
UNITEC opens three new operational branches:
UNITEC USA (Washington), UNITEC Turkey and UNITEC South Africa.
Unisorting is born.
UNICAL 8.0 is born.
Unisorting is the UNITEC brand specialized in designing and manufacturing innovative technologies for apples, pears, dates, onions, potatoes and peppers. It encloses and exploits the great technological heritage of historical companies such as Sammo, Sado and Longobardi.
UNITEC manufactures the UNICAL 8.0 sorter for apple processing.
Cherry Vision 3.0 is born.
Intelligent technology equipped with very high-resolution cameras, able to classify each cherry with great precision according to a variety of parameters: 360° external quality and internal quality, as well as optical size and color.
The first branch in Russia is opened: UNITEC East.
UNI 9.0 e Pear Sort 3 are born.
Apples Sort 3 is born.
UNITEC manufactures the UNI 9.0 Pear sorter for pears processing and the Pears Sort 3 vision system for detecting different pear quality classes.
The Apples Sort 3 vision system for detecting different apple quality classes.
The branch UNITEC Asia Pacific (Australia) is opened.
Blueberry Vision 3 is born.
UNIQ technologies are born.
New Branches.
UNITEC presents and launches on the international market Blueberry Vision 3, a technology in which the maximum reliability and precision in the quality selection of blueberries are combined with an increase in productivity and a gentleness in the treatment of the fruit never achieved before.
The systems for the detection of the internal quality of apples (UNIQ Apples), cherries (UNIQ Cherry), plums (UNIQ Plum), kiwis (UNIQ Kiwi), peaches (UNIQ Peach) and melons (UNIQ Melon).
The first branch in Canada is opened: UNITEC Canada.