
Cherry quality is classified as never before.


The entire surface of the fruit is inspected without the aid of manual selection.


The new Unitec technology reduces production costs significantly and add value to your cherries.


Quality is guaranteed in every supply for you and your customers. For any destination market.

A new smart technological system for cherry classification, which is totally automated.

Once more, Unitec has changed the rules in the world of cherries.

Cherry Vision 3.0, the new launchpad for your international business.

Unitec leads Packing Houses towards maximum efficiency in the production process.

Unitec innovative technology guarantees total reliability, so as to satisfy Large-Scale Retail and the end consumer.
You will gain you customers loyalty since they will gain their own customers loyalty, too.

Cherry Vision 3.0 is a reliable travelling companion you can count on for your growth and development plans.

Tecnologie Innovative Unitec per Ciliegie con Cherry Vision
Tecnologie Innovative Unitec per Ciliegie con Cherry Vision
Tecnologie Innovative Unitec per Ciliegie con Cherry Vision
Tecnologie Innovative Unitec per Ciliegie con Cherry Vision
Tecnologie Innovative Unitec per Ciliegie con Cherry Vision

Cherry Vision 3.0 characteristics


Fruit is classified
as never before.


The entire surface
of each single fruit is inspected.


Consistent Quality
in classification is ensured.


It is Smart Technology,
totally automatic.


No need
of manual selection.


Potential human mistakes
are avoided.


Processing costs
are reduced significantly.


Zero waste.


No claims due
to classification mistakes.


Every supply is guaranteed
for your customer.


The credibility and image
of your company is enhanced.


Your business is expanded
into new markets.

Quality is classified as never before.

With Unitec Cherry Vision 3.0 your business will improves more and more every day.

Tecnologie Innovative Unitec per Ciliegie con Cherry Vision

Results with Cherry Vision 3.0

Unitec world turns into a smile on its customers’ face.

Manuel Kaulen

“We are extremely satisfied. Unitec technology has met exactly our expectations, in terms of both efficiency and quality.”

Stephen Riseborough
CherryHill Orchards-Australia

“The Cherry Vision 3.0 , it’s, I think, the best in the world as far as getting all defects out as best as possible, and we’re seeing benefits in the packing process every single day.

Victor Maroto
Exportadora Fruttita-Chile

“One of the great advantages of
Cherry Vision 3.0 is the fact that we have saved significantly in labor costs, saving around 35% of hand labor. This is really helpful.”

Pablo Godoy
Servicios San Cristobal-Chile

“Thanks to Unitec technologies, sorters and quality classifying systems we have succeeded in creating a brand, since our fruit is recognized by its uniformity.”

Discover Unitec solutions.
Get in touch with us.

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